
This site sells men's wet shaving products, gifts and botanical specialties. In addition, it is a way for Em to share pictures, videos and information that is special to her, and she hopes others will enjoy the diversity of items contained here. The Oregon coast and nature are a very large part of her inspiration.

Over the years... Emily Witherspoon (known as Em) is a small business owner specializing in men's wet shaving products and an artisan as time allows. Anyone who has the creative spirit knows that even when going through the normal routines of life, the desire to work with your hands and create things is ever present. Because of her love for nature strolls, flowers and natural things, her hobby and medium of choice when younger was painting, pressing and creating things using flowers and working with wood.

From then to now... Although Em first started pressing flowers and creating items as a teenager, she became serious about sharing her art form with others after moving to Alaska. There she sold her handmade goods and pictures through galleries, gift shops and from her home studio while working in her professional career.

Over thirty years ago Em moved to the central Oregon coast. Here she continued to promote her handmade products as well as grow most of the flowers and foliage used in her pressed flower art from her home garden. In addition, she continued her career as a real estate broker while working on a web site as an outlet for her pressed flower art and other creations.

Her flagship web site went live in 1997, and evolved from a pressed flower outlet to a full-time business specializing in men's wet shaving with a brush, grooming items and aromatherapeutic products. Many of the Em's brand of toiletry products are rich in natural botanicals that nourish the skin. How things changed from a pressed flower sideline to a business specializing in men's products is, as they say, another story... and a long one at that. The transition happened rapidly and Em had to put her career as a real estate broker behind to oversee the business full-time.

Which brings us to now... emsplace.com specializes in men's wet shaving and she now sells most of her handmade goods on Etsy. She has been serving customers on the internet since 1997.

Cascade Head on the Oregon Coast




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